Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Penn State vs Notre Dame

The Menu:
Light breakfast foods in the am: doughnuts, monkey bread, etc.
Sausage w/ Peppers and Onions; hamburgers, hot dogs
Baked Ziti
Mac n Cheese
Mozerella & tomato salad

Items needed:


Donna & TC said...

Is there any tailgate that rocks more then ours! Your creativity is unbelievable Tiffany - love the blog! The Brushwood's bring lots of fun and friends to our tailgate. If you are lucky enough to be a part of our group you get to experience the best of the best!

BellefonteGreg said...

I was thinking I would bring deep pit venison and ratatouille along with chips and my homemade salsa. It is rather spicy. I think onkly Pam can handle it. I was also thinking about bringing a kiddie pool to stay cool. Thanks Tiffany, this is great.

BellefonteGreg said...


I wasn't calling you oinkly. It was a typo. Honest.

Joe&Billie said...

Very Cool Tiff! I love the Cheer Abby(sp?)did. We will be there this weekend - I think we are bringing Chicken and hot peppers (for Pam - of course). Cozzi and Mindy are also attending. Think Jeremy is coming w/ Justine, and my cousin Mark (Miller) from New England, his friend, his brother in-law (Todd Rishel) and my Uncle Dick will also be there sometime. Can't wait!! GO STATE!

Jeff K said...

Sweet! You guys rock! - We'll be by a bit later, about 4 - my sis is watching Kara for the game - Been waiting to see the Lions beat the Irish in person for a long time!

Jeff & Liz

Lost Weekend said...

Addi & Ty are looking forward to it. Chrustal and Joe might stop down as well. We're bringing chips, dips, and buns.

Very cool site Aunt Tiffy!